Dubrovnik Airport handled 9.242 passengers during the month of February, representing a decrease by 72,5% if compared to the same period in 2020 and in 2019 when around 33.500 passengers were handled. This also represents an increase by 160% if compared to February 2021 when 3.548 passengers were handled.
The number of the aircraft operations in February is 244, down by 40% if compared to the same period in 2020 and 2019 when the average number was 408, There is an increase by 36,55 if compared to February 2021 when the number was 180.
Dubrovnik Airport handled 9.320 passengers during the first month of 2022. Most of the flights this month were operated by Croatia Airlines from Zagreb. The other carrier which operated to and from Dubrovnik was Turkish Airlines with two weekly flights from Istanbul.