All 130 passengers that were on board the flight from Skopje to Turku are obligated to do COVID-19 tests and they are sent to stay in quarantine in Finnland!
this happend as a result from the flight last saturday were 26 passengers from 157 on board the aircraft were positive on their tests that were done voluntarly in the airport after FInnish Goverment announced that they have increase in the number of active COVID cases daily after resuming the flights from Northern Macedonia and Romania!
there were 157 passengers on board the flight last saturday, around 70% or 95 from them were Kosovian cityzens that entered in North Macedonia to catch their flight to FInnland.
All travelers entering in North Macedonia from Kosovo are obligated to leave the country in th next 3 hours and they arent obligated to show negative test on the border before entering the country as that mensure is removed.
All other passengers but two had Finnish passports or residence permissions for which the mansures in Finnland do not apply for entering and leaving the country!